0733603 B.C. Ltd. v. City of Vancouver, 2022 BCSC 1301, aff’d 2024 BCCA 37, application for leave to appeal denied (S.C.C.).
The Supreme Court of British Columbia ruled in early-August 2022 that three bylaws passed by...
In dispute resolution, there is little room for error. We ensure that our clients start out on a solid footing and are guided through the process with skill and care. Should it come to litigation, our advocates draw from a deep well of experience as counsel at every level of court in Canada. Forged from the largest law firm in Canada, we’ve designed Eyford Partners to be responsive and agile. A true boutique, we bypass the bureaucracy of a big firm while retaining the capabilities of a much larger operation.
There are no shortcuts to excellence, only dedication to its pursuit. Our advocates approach the law as a calling: a craft to be honed through experience and scholarship. This good-natured & knowledge-driven approach means that we are lawyers with whom you will actually enjoy partnering.
The Supreme Court of British Columbia ruled in early-August 2022 that three bylaws passed by...
BC Supreme Court finds that a signed motor vehicle purchase agreement relied upon by the...
BC Supreme Court reiterates appropriate use of statistics in calculating an injured plaintiff’s life expectancy....
The BC Court of Appeal delivered reasons in Yoshikawa v. Dilon, 2022 BCCA 18. The defendants appealed...
Counsel for successful appellants in leading case interpreting and applying section 83 of the Insurance...
The Court of Appeal for British Columbia has affirmed that the holder of a registered...
Cheema v. Young, 2021 BCSC 461, Doug is counsel for the plaintiff in this defamation...
Douglas Lake Cattle Company v. Nicola Valley Fish and Game Club, 2021 BCCA 99. application...
Canadian Plastic Bag Association v. Victoria (City), 2019 BCCA 254, 435 D.L.R. (4th) 488, application...
Eyford Partners LLP is proud to announce that three of our partners have been recognized in the Canadian Legal...
In a Q1 2025 Update to The Surety Association, BC Chapter, Chris Schuld outlined two court decisions from the opposite...
Eyford Partners LLP is pleased to announce that Joe Wild* has joined the firm as a strategic advisor. With...